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Gourmet food - Les autres produits

Restaurants Poggio di Venaco
Auberge A Casa Mathea

Campings Aleria
Riva Bella Village de Vacances/Camping naturiste****

Cultural leisures Ajaccio
Nave Va

Hôtels de luxe Aleria
Riva Bella Centre Spa & Thalasso

Internationally known, Roman beauties already melted it into their baths. One of very great richness sweet and tasteful its known for its undeniable bitterness. In relation to the altitude of the hives, honeys of "clementine" (high tasting) chestnut (dark) wild strawberry tree (bitter) "asphodele" (very sweet) or "ciste" (quite strong). Today controlled origins "Corsican honey" exists.

Olive oil
The olive orchards in Corsica have the originality of being spontaneous. Sabine and Germaine types small and black are the most famous. Corsican cooking is based on olive oil, first pressure, pressed cold by the dripping of milled olives.

Fish and sea food
Even if Corsica isn't a fisherman island, some fish and shellfish are easily found : spring scorpion fish, bass, mullet, gilt-head bream, red mullet and sardines are often grilled. In the mountain trout and eels from the rivers are often cooked on hat stones stuffed squid, spaghetti with sea spider, sea urchin (harvested in winter along the shore oysters and mussels from Diana and Urbino, lobsters from the Cap assure the costal restaurants reputation, the best being "l’Altiminu" med style fish soups.