In its regional natural park, Corsica has a marine reserve of exceptional ecological interest named Scandola.
Established in 1975, the reserve of Scandola extends from the north of the Gulf of Porto 920 hectares of land and around 1000 hectares of marine area. Here we can find numerous types of vegetation and animal. Scientists are interested in osprey, cormorant, puffins, coral and fish. A variety of limestone seaweed hard enough to form a pavement just above the water, is one of its curiosities. The boundary to the north is Punta Palazzu and to the south is Punta Mucchilina, the reserve is managed by the regional natural park, whose work was praised in 1985 with the diploma of the Council of Europe. Scandola is part of the world heritage at Unesco, it is worth the visit not only for its vegetation and its animals but for its caves and faults for its geology of volcanic origin.
The "calanches" de Piana are also listed as of exceptional interest by Unesco. The strange geological formation of the calanches jut out by 400 m over the sea of the Gulf of Porto.
The Lavezzi or Sanguinaires islands, the straits of Bonifacio, the Cap Corse...
All these sites are priviledged places for practising water sports.