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Tourism residence Linguizzetta
Le Clos des Arbousiers

Agritourism San Martino di Lota
Camping les Orangers

Hotels Aleria
Riva Bella Thalasso Resort

Hotels Favone
Les Pavillons du Golfe

With almost 1000 Km of coastline, underwater Corsica shows off its very own assets providing an appreciated destination for divers. With intricate underwater relief made up of several faults, peaks, fallen rocks, needles, canyons and rocky mountains, a rich underwater flora, clear water, remarkable temperatures, almost no pollution, the development and protection of the main underwater sanctuaries; the sea bottom has international renown.
Gulf after gulf, there are lots of places to dive.

Among the most reputable sites:

The Gulf of Valinco
The deep indentation that forms the gulf of Valinco along the coastline, as far as Propriano, has an excellent reputation among divers. Its assets are the underwater relief, even more chaotic than the rest of the west coast (in the middle of the gulf, the depth is almost 800 m) and its red coral, is the jem of the Mediterranean.
The most renowned dives are at the exit of the Gulf :
- on the south shore with the ‘sec’ (piece of rock which stops below the surface) du Belvédère, rocky peaks which are spread out between -9 and -30 m, reputed for its gorgonias and its vaults garnished with red coral near the sea bed.
- on the north shore, the most emblematic site is undoubtedly the cathedrals, a few hundred yards away from the little port of Porto-Pollo. To picture this site, imagine the mountains of Bavella in miniature.
Between -12 and -40 m, peaks, faults, ledges and arches, enhanced by a wonderful fauna, housing a very diversified flora and fauna.
Closer to Propriano, the secluded creeks are appreciated by beginner divers.

The sector of Porto-Vecchio
There are around ten dives possible in this area, mainly close to or just off the coast of the Cerbicale islands, a group of islands facing the beach of Palombaggia.
Le danger du toro is one of the wildest islands in the area. Three ‘secs’ reach up at a few metres from the surface and sound at - 40 m. Grooved with canyons and filled with gorgonia, there are also groupers, common dentex (Dentex dentex), rainbow wrasse (Coris Julis) and hords of damselfish (Chromis chromis).
Two ship wrecks are also on the fun-packed agenda. The most famous in is the Pecorella, which lies on its keel on the north side of the gulf of Porto-Vecchio. This cemetery of 45 m, which sank in 1967 during a storm, lies at only -5 and -12 m, on pebbles, in the middle of a seagrass bed (Posidonia oceanica). It is ideal for a first dive, night dives and for photographers. Its preserved state is remarkable.

This is the most "dived" sector in Corsica. The nature reserve of the îles Lavezzi twenty minutes from the south east coast, provides the setting and exceptional conditions for all levels. The biggest demand for diving is at Lavezzi. It is in fact Mérouville, to the east of the archipelago. On a sandy bed of about thirty metres, some rocks come up to -17 m. The appealing thing about this dive is the dusky groupers. Around ten specimens have pledged themselves to this site and some which are really impressive, are over 1.20 m. They are used to the divers, these tamed giants will come right up to you, in the hope of some food. They will even let themselves be touched !
More out to sea towards the west, can be found the reef of Lavezzi, a huge rocky plateau which starts at –5m and descends progressively to -50 m. The site is superb and some have named it the "the rediscovered Mediterranean ". Here we find groupers, brown meagres (Sciaena umbra), common dentex (Dentex dentex), moray eels (Muraena Helena), rock fish, shoals of sea bream (Diplodus spp).

The gulf of Ajaccio
This gulf is indented, it stretches out from the archipelago of the Sanguinaires to the north and the Capo di Muro in the south. On the north shore, the main site is the Tabernacle, ideal for beginners, it goes down from -3 to -22 m like in big slabs. Here we can see crawfish (Palinurus elephas), brown meager (Sciaena umbra), sea bream (Diplodus spp.) and groupers. The most spectacular dives are mainly in the south. La tête de mort is well liked, a dive which is varied alternating between –0.5 and -40 m. Here you can spot brown meager (Sciaena umbra), sea bream (Diplodus spp.), crawfish (Palinurus elephas), even greater amberjacks (Siriola dumerili) and barracudas (Sphyraena sphyraena).

The gulf of Sagone
The huge gulf of Sagone has some exceptional dives. La Punta Palmentoju provides a spectacular decor. Around ten needles rise up to -3 m and fall away sharply to -50 m. Here live moray eels, gorgonia, crawfish (Palinurus elephas) common dentex (Dentex dentex), even barracudas (Sphyraena sphyraena). Shipwreck enthusiasts will also be delighted. In the cove of Sagone lie two wrecks one of which a water bomber. The shell of the airplane that crashed in 1971 after carrying out a false manoeuvre, landed on its back on the sandy bed at -30 m.

The gulf of Porto
Corsica’s little gem, the gulf of Porto is a must. The under water world is every bit as good as onland itself. There are around ten sites between Capo Rosso in the south and Punta Mucchilina in the north. Among the most beautiful are, Vardiola, ‘pain de sucre’ just about reaching the surface of the water, with like a hole cut out of it between -30 and -10 m in which you can slip in and regain the surface. There is a tremendous amount of red coral (Corallium rumbrum) at the base of the fault. This regains the plateau full of brown meager (Sciaena umbra), common dentex (Dentex dentex), forkbeards (Phycis phycis), crawfish (Palinurus elephas) and groupers. Lastly, another place of interest is the marvellous underwater world of Corsica, la Punta Mucchilina, just at the southern limit of Scandola. Right near the coast, a little ‘sec’, with two points by the sea bed, which climbs to -1m and drops suddenly, on the southern side, up to -50 m. It’s a wonderful sight!

The sector of Galéria has a wild character. Among its best sights includes the isle of Morsetta facing the tip which has the same name, is enchanting with its varied underwater architecture. Masses of fallen rocks, faults, valleys... you would think you were in a reduced mountain range. Here the rocks house forkbeards (Phycis phycis), crawfish (Palinurus elephas), moray eel (Muraena helena) the gorgonia seem to thrive the more we descend. Towards the south a very original dive is the tunnel. Its an L shaped passage which is fifty metres long the entrance being at -17 m.
Its diameter is 2 to 3 m. So not for those of us who are claustrophobic !

The bay of Calvi shelters one of the most prestigious sites in Corsica, the wreck of the B-17, an American bomber dating from 1944. At -27 m, its imposing shape of 30 m stands out in the blueness of the sea giving an unforgettable spectacle. This is a worthwhile dive not only for the atmosphere but for the historical aspect.
Another interesting site, la Revellata where there are rocky valleys, fallen rocks, canyons and faults at different depths. In a wonderful decor, overrun by sponges, gorgonian and sea anemones can be found grouper, sea bream common dentex and greater amberjacks as well as numerous shellfish.

Between Calvi and Île-Rousse
Here is ‘le danger d'Algajola’, off coast of the same name. This stands out in sharp contrast with the style of the dives we are used to in Corsica. It is a huge rocky plateau covering 1 km long by 400 m wide and descending by levels from -1 to -40 m. This is an ideal place for the fish to play in.
The gulf of Lava
The gulf of lava is charming, wild with not too many people it offers one of the most beautiful dives in Corsica : le banc provençal. This is a memorable dive, but it will only be popular with confirmed divers. Between -17 and -80 m, this group of rocks is made up of two peaks, separated by a fault. The entirety is covered with multicoloured sponge, gorgonia and sea anemone, it is like Aladdin’s cave where there seems to be all the Mediterranean fauna brought together.
In the bay of L'Île-Rousse, there are not too many interesting things. There is the Naso, and big rock reaching -13 m and descending to -32 m. It is noted for its concentration of conger eels and moray eels which have taken over the area. Not far from there, le Petit Tombant and in the continuation le Grand Tombant are very interesting dives.

Bastia and the Cap-Corse
The visiting divers tend to believe that the east side of the island is not very interesting for diving and unjustly, Bastia and the Cap Corse have some good sites. There are numerous wrecks and lots of different species and varieties.

Harpoon fishing is very much practised, the best areas being beside small islands, off the coast of Galeria and Calvi, in the bay of Ajaccio, along the coast between Propriano and Bonifacio, in Porto-Vecchio and in the creeks of Cap Corse.

Numerous other water sports like windsurfing, funboard, canoeing at sea, dinghies and catamarans , surfing and jet-ski can be easily practiced on most of the beaches.