The west coast
From St Florent to Propriano, there are large indented gulfs and little sandy or pebble beaches.
There are numerous ports more or less sheltered from the wind providing sailors with a good choice :
St-Florent : is situated in the gulf of Saint Florent (Nebbiu), on the west coast of the Cap Corse. It has 790 places within the harbour itself but also on the banks of the river Aliso.
Île-Rousse : is situated in Balagne, between Isola de la Pietra ans Isola Sicota further towards the south. Both are linked together by a road. It has 195 places including 86 for visitors and 33 reserved for fishermen.
Sant'Ambroggio :is situated in Balagne too, south east of the Punta di Sant'Ambroggio. It has 160 places including 21 for visitors.
Calvi : This harbour situated west of Balagne has 380 places including 160 for visitors. It adjoins a little fishing harbour, Calellu harbour, which can accomodate around twenty sailing boats.
Porto : is situated at the north of the mouth of the Porto river. It is well sheltered but the entrance can be dangerous with a western wind. It has 217 places including 35 for passing visitors.
Ajaccio "Tino Rossi" : It has 260 places including 80 for visitors. It can take boats up to sixty metres.
Ajaccio "Amirauté " : In terms of capacity, it is the biggest sailing harbour in Corsica. It has in fact 830 places including 160 for passing visitors.
Cargèse : Situated in the north west of of the Sagone bay, it obtained the"Pavillon bleu" in 1999. It has 217 places including 35 for passing visitors.
Propriano : In this fishing and sailing port sheltered from prevailing winds, a quay is reserved specially for commercial boats. It has 380 places including 200 for passing boats.
But there are also the harbours at Campomoro and Girolata.
The south coast
From Propriano to Porto-Vecchio.
Here there are not many harbours, but there are many creeks and superb white sandy beaches.
After Propriano (see above) :
Bonifacio : This well sheltered harbour is situated at the west of Cap Pertusato, between the cliffs of the south coast of Corsica. It is easily accessible both day and night. It has 450 places including 220 for passing boats.
Porto-Vecchio : Is a very beautiful harbour which can receive 540 boats of up to forty metres. It has 150 places for passing boats.
Cavallo : Situated in the cove of the famous island at the very end of Corsica, it is sheltered thanks to its jetty. It can accomodate 240 boats up to twenty metres long. 37 moorings are reserved for visitors.
The east coast
From Solenzara to Bastia, lots of km of beaches.
All the beaches look alike, large stretches of white sandy beaches from time to time, with stretches of marshland but which is never unhealthy. The beaches are very often watched and equipped contrary to many beaches on the west coast. Here too there are very few ports :
Bastia Vieux-Port : This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and the most picturesque sailing ports (and fishing) in Corsica. It is the real setting for a post card, and can accommodate 267 boats beneath the majestic ramparts of the Citadel.
Bastia-Toga : Facing the island of Elba it is at the north side of Bastia. It has a lot of facilities and 357 moorings including 150 places for passing boats.
Campoloro : is situated in the middle of the east coast. It is also known as Taverna. It has 464 moorings including 300 places for the year and 100 places for visitors. It can accomodate boats of up to 35 metres.
Solenzara : This port which obtained the "Pavillon bleu d'Europe" in 1999 is situated at the mouth of the Solenzara river. It has 450 places including 150 for passing visitors.
Pianottoli-Caldarello : is at the end of the bay of Figari, in a protected environment. It is a sheltered harbour with 200 places including 120 for passing visitors.
The Cap Corse
Here there are numerous creeks with round pebbles and rocks, which are ideal for fishing and canoeing on the sea.
Macinaggio is the only sailing harbour : This harbour is situated at the very northern tip of the island on the Cap Corse, in the region of Rogliano. It has 585 mooring including 200 places for passing ships.
All the others : Erbalunga, Sisco, Porticciolo, Barcaggio and Centuri are little fishing harbours and anchoring is often very difficilt owing to the strong winds in this area.
It is said that the Libeccio (wind from Gibraltar) blows in this area of the island 174 days per year.