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Tourism residence Bastia

 Fior di mare Residence Moriani Beach Residence Moriani Beach
Fior di mare


9, rue Général Carbuccia
20200 Bastia
Tél :+33 (0) 4 95 34 27 87
Tél :+33 (0) 6 09 20 47 53 ou +33 (0) 6 13 15
Mail :info@lama-campulatinu.com
Web :www.lama-campulatinu.com

Overhanging the old medieval village of LAMA and the valley of l' Ostriconi which descends jusqu' with the sea, at a few minutes of the beaches and river,

CAMPU LATINU is a magic place. Its panoramic sight and its blazing sunsets with the top of the delta of l' Ostriconi with its immense beach, one of most beautiful of Corsica, classified great picturesque site, just as the peace of the place and the heat of the old stones will make your stay, one unforgettable moment in one of the most beautiful Corsican villages, LAMA, described by Michel GRANDIN (Villages of France) like " one of most remarkable the academy of l' structure insulaire

Tourism residence Bastia CAMPU LATINU

Calvi Ile Rousse - Balagne CAMPU LATINU

Tourism residence CAMPU LATINU

Tourism residence Calvi Ile Rousse - Balagne CAMPU LATINU

Lodging Bastia CAMPU LATINU

Lodging Tourism residence CAMPU LATINU

Lodging Calvi Ile Rousse - Balagne CAMPU LATINU

Tarifs 2016

Attention, les tarifs ne semblent pas actualisés, contactez l'établissement pour plus d'informations

Tarif par semaine (du Samedi au Samedi)
Type 02/04 au 04/06
17/09 au 22/10
04/06 au 02/07
27/08 au 17/09
02/07 au 27/08
F3 120m2 900 € 1100 € 1850 €
F2 55m2 700 € 900 € 1350 €
F2 45m2 500 € 700 € 1150 €

Formule Demi pension : La semaine (Attention 6 diners : Restaurant Fermé le Lundi)
           Adultes : 180 €
           Enfants jusqu'à 12 ans : 120 €

NB: Le restaurant est ouvert du 1er mai au 30 septembre.


9, rue Général Carbuccia
20200 Bastia

Tél : +33 (0) 4 95 34 27 87
Tél : +33 (0) 6 09 20 47 53 ou +33 (0) 6 13 15
Fax : +33 (0) 4 95 31 81 3
Mail : info@lama-campulatinu.com
Site : www.lama-campulatinu.com



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