After the Roman peace, the Pisan peace.
In 1077 Pope Gregory the 7th gave the administration of Corsica to Landolphe, Bishop of Pisa (following the faithful request) Corsica knew a moment ok prosperity which is witnessed most strikingly by the construction of many religions buildings (of Roman and Pisan style).
The ex-bishops of Mariana, Sagone, Ajaccio, Aleria and Nebbiu were renovated and important sanctuaries built which two which are still in good condition Mariana and Nebbiu.
The reorganization of the island by the church divided Corsica into 90 "pieves" (areas) with a principal priest who headed each one. This occupation of space allowed a certain hierarchy of working places.
Taxes were paid to the church but also to the Lords. The island knew peace and prosperity but Pisa was jealous of its rival, the Genoese republic must give 3 bishops out of 6 in 1133.