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History - Les Romains

Hotels Oletta
La Dimora

Restaurants Vivario
U Campanile

Sporting leisures Lecci

Restaurants Bastia

Roman domination for 6 century.

In 259 B.C the Romans landed in Corsica. They destroyed Aleria and began conquering the island. Corsicans resisted for almost one century but finished by being exhausted.

Towards 100 B.C Aleria city was rebuilt and renamed Aleria, it became a great economic capital with it’s fortification, hot springs and important naval base.

At the same time Mariana was built at the mouth of the "Golu". Christianity is spread through the island, the first church was built in Mariana in the 4th century. Latin became the spoken language of the country spoken in all the island. The Romans stayed for 700 years.