Independence actualized with Pasquale Paoli "the General of the Corsican nation".
It was in 1755 in a confusing situation that Pasquale Paoli was elected "General of the Corsican nation". It was with him that for 14 years Corsica became the first modern nation of Europe. He was an open minded man for his century, convinced that he had to firmly realize the independence of the island in a more pensive way than that of Theodore of Neuhoff’s experience.
Pasquale Paoli was the first great chief of the revolution and his incentive inspired George Washington. He was to create woman’s rights even for woman ho where the head of the family, he made from his reign a republic.
He reconfirmed freedom of thought. He created a capital Corte and displayed the reign of the young nation by the choice of a flag the Moor's head, by creating an official news paper of banded "Raggugli di l’Isola di Corsica" and minted its money (coins).
He gave the power of instruction to the Church. The University was established in Corte and finally quite open to economic development of the island he created the port of Ile Rousse to defend against the Genoese cities of Calvi and Algajola.
He developed farming and introduced potatoes crops. Finally Pasquale Paoli opened the island towards an inter Mediterranean business. At the request of the Genoa Louis 15 sent the count Marbeuf (in 1764) with a goal to make a agreement. He occupied the fortresses Paoli refused to pass the service to France.
The 15 May 1768 the treaty of Versailles was signed. The Italian Republic soled to France it’s rights to reign, in exchange for the cost of the military operation created to bring peace back to the island. Paoli wasn’t consulted, ordered an uprising of the people and the war began for a great Corsican victory at Borgo the 7th and 8th October 1768. France reacted by sending more man to the island.
The 8th May it was the defeat at "Ponte Novu" at the Golo river between Corte and Bastia. It was the end of the Corsican independence. Pasquale Paoli had to be exiled to England a month later. Corsica became French.