The Musée régional d’anthropologie de la Corse (Corsica’s regional museum of anthropology) was opened in 1997 in the Citadel of Corte, a ramparted stronghold composed of military buildings built between the 15th and 19th centuries.
The Collectivité Territoriale de Corse (Territorial Community of Corsica) has undertaken to renovate this vast military complex that constitutes one of Corsica’s most interesting historical and tourist features for the purpose of creating a cultural and museographic centre. The work of restoration and planning was entrusted to the Turinese architect Andréa Bruno – a UNESCO expert specialising in the restoration of ancient buildings.
The three museographic sections are located in the Sérurier barracks and outbuildings:
La Galerie Doazan (The Galerie Doazan): here one can discover rural Corsica in the mid-20th century and the initiation of social sciences thanks to the collections-research undertakings of Père Louis Doazan, one of the pioneers of Corsican ethnology.
Le Musée en train de se faire (The Museum of Tomorrow): presentation of some themes not as yet examined in traditional ethnology.
The temporary annual exhibition section: aspects of contemporary Corsica illustrated through thematic and multidisciplinary exhibitions.
The Musée de la Corse conducts a dynamic policy in the field of research and the compilation of literary works and scientific publications. Conferences, seminars, musical events and educational workshops are organised at regular intervals on the subject of the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions.
To see the schedules, consult the heading Rates.