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Museums Aleria - Musée d'Archéologie d'Aleria

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E Departmental Archaeological museum d' Aleria presents the vestiges discovered on the archeological site d´Aleria. The Museum, where the objects discovered at the time of the excavations of the ancient Colony and the necropoles are exposed, is installed in the Fort of MATRA, built by Génois starting from XIVe century. In the Fort a small detachment of cavalry was whose mission was to supervise the plain and the passage towards Corte. The Fort is made up d´un quadrilateral irregular built on two levels d´un central patio, recovering a cistern. It has a powerful square tower with south-eastern l´angle. Some data The Strong one knew an animated history. Attacked and plundered in 1730 by the Corsicans in revolt, it accomodates the first and single king of Corsica, Theodore of NEUHOFF, unloading on the beach d´Aleria on March 12, 1736. At the XVIIIe century, it will be amodié with the powerful family of the MATRA, then controlled by l´armée and the customs. Prosper Mérimée comes there in visit in 1839, as well as many travellers during all the XIXe century. The Fort of MATRA was classified historic building in 1962, and an archaeological deposit is installed there in 1963. Since 1969, it bears the name of the large historian d´origine Corsican Jerome CARCOPINO who had sponsored the resumption of the excavations on the site d´Aleria. It shelters the Departmental Museum since 1978. Lastly, to safeguard it definitively, it is acquired in 1979 by the Department of the Haute-Corse. On the first floor, several rooms d´exposition report fifteen centuries of aleria history and Corsica, since the protohistory at the end of Roman Empire . This restricted chronological sequence will of course be extended according to the archaeological excavations and from the discoveries. The exposed objects are of great interest from the archaeological point of view, not only for the comprehension of prehistoric and old Corsica, but also for the knowledge of the ages of the basin of the Mediterranean Access You will find the Museum Departmental Archaeology at the height of MATRA with Aleria.
Distances: from BASTIA: 70 km, of CORTE: 40 km BONIFACIO: 100 km AJACCIO: 122 km

Practical informations The Aleria Museum is opened to the public of May 16 to September 30 of 8:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 19:00 like of October 1 to May 15 of 8:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00
On sale with the museum Several documents are at the disposal of the visitors: Sets of postcards of the objects exposed to the Museum. Guide of visit of the museum and excavations. The culture section proposes to you: Reception of the school complexes for visits, on reservation only. Helps with the visit by folders and posters United actions with the other Museums of Corsica, the cultural institutions and the d´Aleria commune Association of the Friends of the Museum Schedules: Opened all l' year: - of May 16 to September 30, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. - of October 1 to May 15, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The visitors are not allowed any more half an hour before closing. Duration of the visit: Museum + Site: 1:30. Closed on January 1,May 1, November 1,December 25, as well as Sunday of October 1 to March 31. Tariffs Full price: 2 euros per anybody. Cheap rate: 1 euro for the students, the children and the groups of more than ten people and more. Admission free for the official guides, the classes and the school ones under the control of their professors. The ticket allows the visit of the Museum and the Site. An Information center is reserved to the researchers (on request): the schedules correspond to the schedules ouverture of the Museum.
For all information : Departmental Archaeology museum Aleria 20270 ALERIA Telephone: 04 95 57 00 92
Telefax: 04 95 57 05 50
Contact: Jean - Claude OTTAVIANI