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Associations South Corsica

The Province of Livorno, to improve the dynamics between the three regions compared to the interest among the three neighboring regions, stresses the desirability of further studies, scientific and cultural debate between the three realities through a pro
Mail : salvatore.viale@wanadoo.fr • Web : www.salvatore-viale.fr

You are between 16 and 25 years and you live in Corsica. Local Missions and Permanence Home Information and guidance are at your service to help you overcome obstacles to hiring and restore or develop your independence in the conduct of your term of entry
Web : www.missions-locales-corse.org

ADMR 2A - Ajaccio - 04 95 21 31 78
For over 25 years, the ADMR of Southern Corsica trying to lighten your day by offering you the opportunity to benefit from services tailored to your needs. The ADMR of Southern Corsica is the first network with 26 local associations distributed
Mail : jistria@fede2a.admr.org • Web : www.admr2a.fr

AGRI GESTION CORSE - Bastia - 04 95 34 44 45
The MCO AGRIGESTION Corsica is a public accounting firm which operates in the field of rural and agricultural. Its activity is structured around two main poles are: the business of public accounting and business structuring advice to farms.
Mail : jf.agc@orange.fr • Web : www.agrigestion-corse.fr