An active organization in environmental protection of the island, the Natural Park of Corsica covers about 333,000 hectares which is about 1/3 of the island.
Its range part covers the spinal chord of the island (Monte Crinto, Rotondo, d’Oro, Renoso and Incudine) Its one of the must beautiful European shores (golf of Porto and Girolata the Scandola peninsula).
The park also groups the main central forests : Aitone, Valdoniello, Vizzavona, Bavella, Ospedale…) and the most beautiful sites of the island (Calanche de Piana, Gorges of Spelunca and Restonica, Bavella Pass and the summit lakes).
Created in 1972 The Natural Regional Park had a double mission:
- to favour the best knowledge and real protection of nature (fight against fire protection if the sites area preservation of traditional buildings, renovation of monuments).
- to participate in the renovation of the rural intension economy of the island (renovation of the villages and reintroduction of some species).